So, I'm still in Bangkok and Allen stayed in hospital for an extra day so he ended up staying in Bangkok too. Thursday night and Friday was pretty quiet as we were both recovering from various excesses.
We went to the floating markets, Bridge on River Kwai and Tiger Temple on Saturday which was amazing. Started at 7am and went all down until 7pm. The floating markets is an interesting place. You hire someone to row you around a series of mini canals to different merchants to buy lots of tat. I ended up buying a mini guitar, which was an odd purchase for such a place but for 5 pounds it was a bargain....
I also promised to buy some weird fruit from this lady for some unknown reason. I was still tired I think... anyway, I had to spend the rest of the hour at the floating markets trying to avoid her.... wearing sunglasses and a hat or looking in the other direction etc etc... as I'm a keen master of disguise, it worked pretty well. ha ha.
That night we went out for a few drinks and ended up at a place called Gazebos where a band was playing. They were excellent. Everyone was up for having a good time and the band was excellent. Thai pop music is a little bit bubblegum but inherently entertaining.
Sunday was Allen's last day in Thailand so we had a bit of pampering. I had a 30min foot massage and also an hour and a half oil massage which was excellent. We went to the place that is owned by our guest house. It was a little more expensive but they are very professional and knew what they were doing. One was telling me about my knee problem before I even mentioned it. That was just from touching my feet. Amazing.....
That night we went out to Gazebo again for one last sheesha pipe and met up with Connor from Northern Ireland who gave me lots of tips about travelling around Vietnam. It was great to chat to him about it because now I feel much more clued up about what i'm doing.
It's weird but having been in Bangkok for quite a long time i've got to that stage where i'm recognised by locals on the street. Ok, so i'm hardly a shy person and I have been known to be a little outspoken on occasion and maybe even accused of being loud now and again but still, it goes to show how much of a friendly place Bangkok is..... if you look passed the lady boys, prostitutes and over zealous street hawkers that is....
Something a little odd that they do here in some clubs is they offer you backrubs while you're using the toilet.... it's a little disconcerting but you're standing there taking a wee when you feel a manly hand on your back.... errr.... hold on a second there smiler... no thanks....
Last night, I went to a live music venue called Zodiac. A band was given it a massive show to about 6 people in the 'crowd' which was a little sad (the fact that I was one of them was even sadder but hey)... anyway, it was so empty that when I took photos of the singers they stopped singing and posed... very odd.
I went to use the bathroom and was set upon by three guys. I declined a back rub three times (I get stage fright ok....) and when I finished my business, I had one of them offer me soap, the other turned on the tap and the third handed me a towel... All then held their hands out for a tip. I tried to explain that I actually can turn a tap on, wash my hands and dry myself quite well on my own but I had a situation to get out of. I pulled out a 20 baht note... held it up in the air and then dropped it before running off.... I escaped... just.....
Next stop Chiang Mai tonight. A 12 hour bus journey awaits me.... Can't wait.
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